The 101 Things to do in 1001 Days Project

The Mission:
Complete 101 tasks in a period of 1001 days.  Visit for more details.

Starting Date: January 1, 2011 ~ Finish Date: September 28, 2013

Not started ~ Working on Completed

  1. Send out Christmas cards...on time. (1/2)
  2. Visit San Antonio with the whole family
  3. Run 6 miles
  4. Run 9 miles
  5. Run a Half Marathon >> 13.1 miles
  6. Run 15 miles
  7. Run 18 miles
  8. Run 21 miles
  9. Run 24 miles
  10. Run a Marathon >> 26.2 miles
  11. Make a will
  12. Paint our bedroom
  13. Continue my blog
  14. Maintain my 'clean inbox' rule
  15. Breastfeed Ben for a year
  16. Meet Eric for weekly lunch dates (16/132)
  17. Have dates with Ethan (3/10)
  18. Have dates with Quinn (3/10)
  19. Have dates with Ben (2/10)
  20. Use reusable grocery bags 30 times (0/30)
  21. Create my picture wall in my office
  22. Make 'the girls' the size they should be
  23. Go to the dentist
  24. Go to a Mizzou football game
  25. Go to a symphony performance
  26. Take the kids to 3 different museums (0/3)
  27. Take Ethan to get his first library card
  28. Watch the first few seasons of Grey's Anatomy
  29. Bake cookies with the kids
  30. Make my bed every day for 30 days (0/30)
  31. Eat breakfast every day while training (120/120)
  32. Forgive someone in writing
  33. No soda during training (120/120)
  34. Get to 150 pounds
  35. Invite 5 people to church (0/5)
  36. Pray with the boys before bed...not a 'form prayer', a real talk
  37. Send a handwritten note to a different person (0/20)
  38. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book and read them all (0/20)
  39. See Lady Antebellum
  40. Start a garden
  41. Meet Jennie Sheppard
  42. Meet Lauren Chrzanowski
  43. Take the kids to a Corn Maze
  44. Eat at 10 new restaurants (1/10)
  45. Order something new off a menu instead of my 'regular' (0/10)
  46. Write a blog about each task I complete (8/101)
  47. Go to New England with Eric
  48. Do not speed, even 1 mile over for 30 days (0/30)
  49. Pay for someone behind me in a drive thru 5 times (0/5)
  50. Watch a movie with Ethan after Quinn's bedtime once a month (5/33)
  51. Sleep outside in a tent with the kids
  52. Contribute $20 towards a stranger's groceries
  53. Figure out how to have multiple photo albums on iPhone
  54. Smell the flowers in the grocery store instead of passing them by (23/60)
  55. Treat myself to a foot massage once a month (5/33)
  56. Rub Eric's back/feet once a month (5/33)
  57. Skype with someone I've never skype'd with before
  58. Stop using '...' so often
  59. Make Ben's baby food until he can eat table food
  60. Go on 5 runs with Eric, even if just for a mile (1/5)
  61. Learn to use the sewing machine - not everything has to be sewn by hand
  62. Play 'high/low' at dinner  (5/20)
  63. Use (2/15)
  64. Find a gymnastics class for Ethan
  65. Purge 101 'things' from my possession (0/101)
  66. Run a race with Ethan
  67. See 'The Nutcracker'
  68. Bake homemade pretzel bread
  69. Tell a friend exactly what I think of them (0/5)
  70. Buy a coloring book and color every page myself
  71. Leave a special note for Ethan to find (2/20)
  72. Leave a special note for Quinn to find (0/20)
  73. Dance with the kiddos in the rain
  74. Play in the mud
  75. Knit scarves for each of the kiddos (0/6)
  76. Identify 1001 blessings (50/1001)
  77. Send a gift to 5 friends for no special reason (0/5)
  78. Run 1001 miles (235/1001)
  79. Identify 10 things I like about myself (0/10)
  80. Send birthday cards to family/friends
  81. Buy myself Super Mario Brothers for Ethan's DS
  82. Do cartwheels with the kids
  83. Do 100 consecutive pushups
  84. Create a running playlist
  85. Participate in (0/66)
  86. Have a dinner with the good china
  87. Sit as close as possible at COTM
  88. Pick a random person from my contact list and write a thank you (0/7)
  89. Read a book written by someone I disagree with
  90. Finish my 'mourning quilt'
  91. Leave a 'feel good' note in a ransom library book (0/10)
  92. Send flowers to a friend, 'just because' (0/5)
  93. Go on a cruise
  94. Do 200 consecutive situps
  95. Take a train trip
  96. Make it through a no-computer weekend, including phone apps
  97. Get upstairs bathroom finished
  98. Read the Harry Potter series
  99. Make a Thanksgiving dinner when it's not Thanksgiving
  100. Keep Ben home with me until Quinn starts school
  101. Donate $5 for every task left incomplete

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